The Korean tech company Samsung (Samsung) has launched the Galaxy Watch Active 2 4G in India. Users will get the support of Airtel and Reliance Jio's e-SIM in this smart watch. Earlier, the company had launched several smart watches of the Galaxy series, which were fiercely bought by people. At the same time, users will be able to check photos, videos and messages through this smart watch. Apart from this, users will get the facility to set a timer in this watch. So let's know about the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 4G price and specification ...

 Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 4g Price

Let us know that the company has introduced this smart watch in three variants, which include 44mm, 42mm and 46mm. The company has kept the price of Rs 35,990 for the first variant, Rs 28,490 for the second variant and Rs 30,990 for the third variant. All three of the Galaxy Watch series Smart Watch are available with Golden, Silver and Black color options. At the same time, customers can buy this smart watch from Samsung Opera House, Samsung e-shop and online shopping site.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 4g specification

Talking about the specification, the company has given a 1.4-inch Super Amoled display, which has a resolution of 360x360 pixels. Also, Corning Gorilla Glass DX Plus has been supported for the protection of the screen. Users will get rotating touch bezels in this watch, so that its interface can be controlled. Apart from this, the watch platform is present in Galaxy Watch Active 2, which supports Android 5.0 and iOS 9.0.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 4g battery and processor

Samsung has given 340 mAh battery, 1.5 GB RAM and Exynos 9110 processor for better performance in this watch. Apart from this, the company has given heart rate sensor, ECG sensor, accelerometer, barometer and light sensor in this watch.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 4g Workout Mode

Users will get 39 workout modes in the Galaxy Watch Active 2 4G, which includes activities like running, walking, cycling and swimming. At the same time, it is smart water resistant and dust proof.